Cycles of Classic Bodybuilders; Site Enhancement Oils; IGF-1 Receptors in the Intestinal Tract; Creatine & Glutamine; AAS Bridging; Non-Steroidal Anabolics to Create Supraphysiological HPTA Activity
by Author L. Rea
Publication Date: July 30, 2003
Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication.
Q1: I had ordered your book
Chemical Muscle Enhancement &
Building the Perfect Beast here in Italy, but they will be available only after September, so I’ll do my question but I don't now if in these book there are already answers.
My first question is about the past and the aesthetical look of bb, I want to reach such body, perfect like Grecian god and I wonder what kind of cycle the bb of that era used, and if they used recover stuff, anti-estrogen, anti-DHT, or nothing! I read an interview with Mentzer and he said he used nothin' more than 20-25 mg metandienone day and about 300 mg week of nandrolone for 12 weeks before the contest Mr. Olympia 80, seems like very light use respect today use of more advanced drugs such IGF-1 or PGF-2. I'd like to know your opinion, Mr. Rea!
The second question is:
I'm pro chemical tissue-building stuff, but I think that the use of synthol or implants is stupid, insane and the use of this methods of gain fake muscle make me think the possibility to go to the Olympia with a pumped-up dress with the muscle painted on and compete! If isn't muscle isn't BodyBuilding! What's your opinion about this, Mr. Rea?
Now go to more scientific question!
The use of Igf1 lead to a growth of bone wider? and what about the guts? And the use of GH lead to a interruption of endogenous GH with accelerated aging after the use of exogenous GH is discontinued? How much time one can stay on GH before the epiphysis say goodbye?
Glutamine isn't a essential amino acid, and the body can produce it by other AA, why then use it in 50-120 g day with extremely high cost?
Let's talk about creatine, I’ve experienced that 1,5 g of pure creatine is totally solubilized in 550 cc of water, so for absorb in the best manner 10 g in the loading phase, I need 5 lt of water. but I can't drink 8-10 lt of water day for 20 g of creatine! in your experience, what the best dosage day of creatine in the loading phase and in the maintaining, and of what length have to be the 2 phases? the total solubilization is important in your opinion? I think that take 5 g of creatine in 1 lt of water and lost about the half in the intestinal tract and then out in from the black hole make no sense! it's better to use it in dose that can be all solubilized then?
I had make to you a load of question and now it's better I go before you think "oh noooo, the first ballbreaker of my new column!"
Wow! You can certainly pack the questions in. Yes, most of these are answered in
CME but some may best be addressed here as well.
Old VS New
The bodybuilders of old were the first to bring AAS use into the aesthetic arena. For this reason the cycles used were often random combinations based upon what was available that month due to the fact that no one knew much about specific intent and less about Action/Reaction Factors. Since this was a budding era for bodybuilding itself "the look" was as different and subjective as the cycles themselves. There were few anti-estrogen drugs and no DHT inhibitors at that time so big and puffy was as common as cut and vascular. There were many impressive physiques nonetheless.
Obviously that eras athletes would place badly at today’s shows but today’s beasts may not have done well then. There have been a few changes to say the least.
Synthol or Muscle?
Synthol is a SEO (site enhancement oil) used to increase the size of smaller muscles such as biceps, triceps and all three heads of the delts. This would seem similar to a breast implant to most but there is a profound difference.
There is a strong tissue that encases each muscle called fascia. It acts to contain the muscle bindles and fibers like a water balloon acts to contain the liquid. In many cases an athlete reaches a point where growth is nonexistent due to the fascia balloon being too full thus blocking further growth or expansion of the muscle. Like a water balloon fascia can be stretched. By injecting a SEO directly into a muscle belly the total volume of the muscle mass is increased resulting in a stretching effect upon the fascia. More room means a greater potential for growth.
Second is the growth stimulating effects realized when a muscle is stretched. One of which is the localize release of IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1). Many are aware of the anabolic effects of IGF-1…and SEO induce stretching.
IGF-1, GH, the stomach and Somebody Named Epiphysis?
GH (Growth Hormone) is a sort of parent hormone that initiates the formation of several growth factors (8 are known at this time). As example is what happens when GH and insulin meet up in the liver and IGF-1 is released into the vascular system.
GH and IGF-1 play a significant roll in bone formation and growth until the epiphysis in each bone ending is closed as an action of androgens.
IGF-1 plays a roll in most every tissues growth in the body. Unfortunately this is not always a good thing.
There is a very high concentration of IGF-1 receptors in the intestinal tract. When IGF-1 levels are significantly elevated these intestinal receptors are stimulated allowing for GI tract growth. The result? A gut with good abs.
GH Administration and Aging
When a hormone is supplied exogenously (from outside of the body) it is often referred to as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) due to the fact that the endogenous (made inside the body by an organ, gland or tissue) hormone production stops after a period of administration. Normally, after the HRT is discontinued the endogenous hormone suffers a production lag period. Though this is actually very rarely permanent. In the case of GH administration, a hormone called somatostatin increases in level to inhibit what the body perceives to be further endogenous GH release. Once the somatostatin level returns to normal ranges the release of GH from the pituitary returns to normal for the individual.
The quality of a brand of creatine will greatly influence the solubility of the product in any solvent including water. A good quality product should have no problem with solubility at a rate of 5 grams per 500ml of water. You may wish to try warm water as this will increase the amount dissolved a good deal.
Glutamine at High Cost?
Glutamine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. In times of stress the body uses amazing amounts of this anticatabolic goodie to increase anti-oxidant production, as a source of energy and to remove ammonia from the body…among several other actions. Over 60% of the muscle intracellular amino acid pool is glutamine. When stores diminish the response is a catabolic or tissue wasting period.
The human body must produce between 50 and 120 grams of glutamine daily from other amino acids to maintain this anticatabolic environment…and these other amino acids are better used for tissue repair and building. In fact one of the most destructive muscle catabolic periods occurs while we sleep due to the necessity of glutamine replacement.
In the US a kilo of glutamine costs between $30-60. That would be a 8-20 day supply for most hard-core athletes. (I know many who spend more then that daily of GH alone)
Okay, now you are banned from asking questions for a month! LOL
Q2: There is something I would like to know. I help one of my friends. I've got a problem with his blood test: Everything is good, but :
GGT: 162, GOT 72, GPT: 70. Alkaline phosphatase is also normal. Never used steroids, never drank alcohol. Never was in a hospital and his worst disease was chicken-pox. My main problem is GGT, I've sent him to the hospital to see if he's got hepatitis.
As he is a Thai-boxer he could get it from anyone via blood. Do you know (I'm sure you do) any medicine to lower his GGT if he's got no hepatitis (or a medicine to get back to the normal range faster after using 17-alpha substances)?
Thanks for your help;
The Hungarian (still praying God to give us
Building the Perfect Beast)
A3: I can think of several drugs employed for lowering hepatic enzymes but I have learned that this is a bad idea in most cases with the exception of chronic elevation without cause...sometimes. The reason is that liver enzymes are meant to do a job such as detoxification or structural alteration. If the total enzyme volume is decreased so is the ability to do its job. I would suggest a viral load evaluation and checking for signs of liver inflammation before considering any medication.
Q4: Dear Mr. Rea,
PLEASE HELP ME!!! My boyfriend is currently using Winstrol which I am injecting into him. Even though he says he knows a lot about it, I really don't think he does. My first question is, is it safe to inject every other day? I do what he asks me to do but I'm a little uneasy about his knowledge of what he\'s doing. Also, is it normal for the injection area to become a little red and puffy, because they do. The 1st injection I gave him was quite red and puffy (it looked like a big mosquito bite) but the 2nd and 3rd weren't so bad because I massaged them for a little bit after injecting. If it's not normal, what do I do? Another question...he has me injecting him in a different area each time. Is that the correct thing to do? One more question... what are the chances he's going to have a "roid rage"? Please help me as soon as you can. As you can tell, I'm nervous about him doing this and nervous about how it will effect him. Thank you so much for your help.
A4: A woman's words always get my attention!
The use of any drug without proper medical guidance is always questionable and illegal to advise. However I can give you some useful info.
My experience both in the field and the lab has been that roid rage is nothing more than a justification for an asshole to be more of one. ( I am not suggesting that your boy friend is less than a gentleman of course) In the case of Winstrol (stanozolol) it is impossible even in theory. The reason is simply the structure. It is a DHT derivative (it has some secondary male characteristics such as increased libido, increased body hair growth and increased potential for hair loss and male aggression) but it is also a progestin (Possessing female secondary sex characteristics. Women are only crazy during their periods but
usually more calm otherwise). The two effects cancel each other so no roid rage is possible...except due to being an asshole already.
The inflammation is due to the fact that Winstrol is an aqueous suspension. This means that the drug itself is some very large crystals suspended in sterile water. When administered, drugs of this nature tend to act like salt in a wound thus causing irritation and minor inflammation. Rubbing the site after administration is quite wise. When the administration sites are altered the inflammation is reduced as well.
Stanozolol has a half-life of about 1.5 days in truth. This means that the drug must be administered EOD to maintain a constant circulatory level.
I do hope this helps you.
Q5: I’m getting ready to come off a 12 weeks cycle of 500mgs eq/400mgs primo/300mgs prop and I'm going to take 5000iu HCG in a few weeks and finish up with 3 weeks of clomid after cycle.... now the main thing is that I want my HPTA to fully recover and stay that way. I can either do 10mgs of D-bol for 8 weeks or 200mgs primo for 10 weeks....I want to take a good 10 weeks off of juice(yes I know technically im still on with a bridge) but I don’t want to shut myself down again with this bridge...what do you guys think....will either one of them work or will they both shut me down"
A5: It is sad that most seem to feel that anytime off the gear is a time of loss. I suppose that, like the rest of us, the quest for mass is a personal vendetta, almost, but with a hopefully positive outcome.
The idea of AAS bridging often leads to negative concerns such as significant elevation of hemocrit and HDL/LDL ratio issues quite needlessly. Additionally the cellular proteins responsible for the anabolism realized from AAS use can reach a state of decreased activity (burnout) and little or no results occur during following cycles.
The obvious use of HCG and Clomid normally results in the regeneration of the HPTA but is a lingering issue (raisin nuts syndrome remains largely unchanged) at best when an athlete continues to employ AAS as a bridge between AAS use. (Does that make sense to anyone? "..;.when an athlete continues to employ AAS as a bridge between AAS use.")
Many have realized that other anabolics such as insulin and T-3 (yes, T-3) can be layered in with HCG, an anti-aromatase and Clomid to not only create an anabolic/anti-catabolic state but to also result in a period of supraphysiological HPTA activity ("the boy's" kick some ass on androgen production) |