Steroids, Strength, and Powerlifting
by Author L. Rea
Publication Date: February 24, 2003 Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication. Q: Hello, Mr. Rea. I am competing at a power lifting event in a few months and wanted to know what AAS work best for strength increases? The event is untested and I can gain all the weight I want. I have over 4 months to get ready. A: I often relate to readers the absolute necessity for protocols being designed for a "specific intent" rather than the "everything including the kitchen sink" approach. Often I review past protocols that have been employed by athletes and find a countless number of so-called stacks that actually have counter-productive chemistry included in their structure. When the goal is to induce a significant response of some type, it seems idiocy at best to include drugs, supplements or training that act to mitigate the effects of any positive part of the protocol. Of course a progressive approach to a power cycle is no exception.
Know The Goal The average training approach for a power meet is commonly done in a progressive weight/descending rep manner. I realize that it sounds rather simplistic to say, but we first have to decide the goals of a protocol if we are to correctly choose specific chemistry that best facilitates its requirements best. The goal here is: 1. An increase in muscle mass to better carry the upcoming increase in maximum weight-load 2. Followed by a period of teaching new tissue to contract at a maximum rate (and teach old tissue to work with the new) 3. And a final period of maximizing neurological stimulus between the brain and the target muscle groups for best muscle fiber pattern recruitment. In this case we realize that an athlete would likely use a 12 week training plan divided into 4 week intervals with a Lean Tissue Growth Phase, Fiber Recruitment Phase and Maximum Neural Stimulation Phase. As we have discussed many time before (like in the prior question as well), the body employs Action/Reaction Factors to maintain homeostasis. In that lies the best way to construct our chemistry specific protocol to compliment our training requirements and goal. Plan For Power Example 1 Lean Tissue Growth Phase Day
1. Oxandrolone 50mg/Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 2. Oxandrolone 50mg | 3. Oxandrolone 50mg | 4. Oxandrolone 50mg | 5. Oxandrolone 25mg/Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 6. Oxandrolone 25mg | 7. Oxandrolone 25mg | 8. Oxandrolone 25mg | 9. Oxandrolone 12.5mg/Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 10. Oxandrolone 12.5mg | 11. | 12. Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 13. | 14. | 15. | 16. Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 17. | 18. | 19. | 20. Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 21. | 22. | 23. | 24. Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg | 25. | 26. | 27. | 28. Boldenone Udecyclenate 200mg/Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg |
*Administration dosages are based upon a bodyweight of 200-220 lbs Lean Tissue Growth Phase Oxandrolone, nandrolone and boldenone are all highly anabolic/low-moderate androgenic AAS with the latter two possessing only low to moderate aromatization potential. This allows for a high rate of protein synthesis and "lean mass" accumulation with only moderate neuronet stimulation. Since this period of training is predominantly structured from a 12-15 rep protocol, the need for a higher degree of protein synthesis is mandatory. As we have discussed prior, the body has many intricate Action/Reaction Factors to consider: By increasing the amount of lean tissue an athlete carries we are better able to increase total weight and work-load capacities needed for the next phase. By limiting the degree of estrogenic activity the accumulation of excess fat is hindered thus providing a better nutrient partitioning focus upon lean tissue and fewer issues in relation to blood pressure and edema at this time. For the most part the body easily deals with brief elevations in blood pressure rather well. But by no means is 12 weeks a brief period of time. Remembering that the body has time frames for Action/Reaction Factors for most physiological events, it would be unwise to stimulate the neuronet as of yet to any real degree as the result is a sluggish CNS (central nervous system) by the time the Plan For Power Example 1 Fiber Recruitment Phase Day
29. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 30. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 31. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 32. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 33. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 34. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 35. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 36. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 37. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 38. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 39. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 40. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 41. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 42. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 43. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 44. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 45. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 46. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 47. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 48. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 49. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 50. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 51. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 52. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg | 53. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 54. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 55. Methandrostenolone 40mg | 56. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Boldenone Undecyclenate 200mg Methandrostenolone 40mg |
*Administration dosages are based upon a bodyweight of 200-220 lbs Fiber Recruitment Phase During the Fiber Recruitment Phase, synergistic chemistry that significantly increases total body mass, fosters an improved weight bearing foundation and continues to support an increased rate of protein synthesis is needed. The reason is due to an increase in weight-load and decrease in the number of reps performed weekly during each successive work-outs. The body’s reaction to this is triggering an increase in the number of muscle fibers recruited with each rep. The use of a testosterone allows for an increase in androgenic activity resulting in better neuronet stimulation and an improvement in muscle fiber recruitment numbers and patterns. Since testosterone aromatizes an up-regulation in the body’s water table is realized. This means that muscle tissue is fuller and firmer allowing for a better foundation to leverage weight with and from. It’s like the difference between building a house on sand or rock. The latter will support a much greater weight-load. Methandrostenolone is highly androgenic and quite anabolic thus having respectable synergistic value with testosterone. In fact there have probably been more power athletes build with these two AAS than any other 3 stacks combined. However, monitoring of blood pressure during use of this combination is paramount as both tend to draw a great deal of water into the vascular system. Most larger athletes (240 lbs or better), have above average blood pressure readings. In most cases this is due to a larger heart is required to supply blood to a larger body. The administration of 20mg of Lasix nightly is commonly employed by chemically enhanced athletes when blood pressure is over 160/100…though this is certainly not a recommendation. The addition of boldenone? To aid in maintaining the elevated state of anabolism as there is still a great deal of tissue growth occurring. Plan For Power Example 1 Maximum Neural Stimulation Phase Day
57. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 58. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 59. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 60. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate/75mg Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 61. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 62. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 63. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 64. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 65. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 66. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 67. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 68. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate/75mg Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 69. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 70. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 71. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 72. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 73. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 74. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 75. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 76. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 77. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 78. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 79. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 80. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 81. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 82. Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 83. Fluoxymesterone 20mg | 84. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/Fluoxymesterone 20mg (Meet Day) |
*Administration dosages are based upon a bodyweight of 200-220 lbs *Optional: Day 74-83 Humulin-R 10iu 2xd with creatine monohydrate 10g & BCAA 10g Maximum Neural Stimulation Phase At this point in the protocol our example athlete has increased weight-loads significantly and drop the rep count to triples and singles. This means the need for the best connection possible between the brain and muscles should be accentuated by the chemistry employed. Most readers are aware of the excitatory hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline or may know them as epinephrine and norepinephrine respectively. When secreted by the adrenal gland, these hormones travel the vascular system until they contact their adrenalgenic receptors in various tissues including muscle, heart and brain. Once receptors are stimulated the result is CNS stimulation and a series of fight or flight reactions…including an increase in the number of muscle fibers recruited to perform any given task (Like moving way more weight than is normally humanly possible). This is the reason so many lifting and athletic federations ban the use of ephedrine products also. The mind/muscle connection is improved allowing for greater employment of every muscle fiber under load. Most AAS androstane structures possess an adrenalgenic stimulatory effect. The magnitude of this effect is decided by the level of androgenic value the drug maintains. For anyone who has had to stand in a DMV or Post Office line while administering Halotestin, this is stating the obvious. (Ya, I would like to see a half dozen of my favorite Halo/Fina/Methyltest stacking muscle freaks on the Jerry Springer show. Who cares what the topic is!) The use of fluoxymesterone at this point in the protocol is a no-brainer as its androgenic/adrenalgenic effects are well noted by the strongest men in the world. The addition of trenbolone has a synergistic androstane value of course with the additional value of a very high rate of protein synthesis occurring as well. Testosterone enanthate? As you will recall the importance of having a profound increase in weight bearing foundation is paramount to big numbers.
All In The Planning The need for this example to be laid out in 3 four week phases is intended to create a series of adaptive responses best for working within the body’s Action/Reaction time frames for peak power output. The addition of a decent diet and appropriate training was necessary for maximum effect of course. And… I know of more than a few standing world records accomplished by those using this protocol. Some added injectable ATP and most used the creatine/insulin loading layer. But all realized results to brag about. |