Winstrol; Veterinarian Steroids; Long Cycles; Testicular Recovery
by Author L. Rea
Publication Date: November 24, 2002 Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication. I hope that this communication finds you and yours in the best of health and spirit. Winstrol tabs have now become available in 50mg. and even 100 mg. dosages. I know you can't give specific recommendations but what if you had about 200 or 300 Winstrol 50 mg. tabs as the only anabolic to use. How would you use them, for how long, would the "the boys" shrink, any hair loss, libido increase or decrease? Also, how would you rate minstrel’s muscle building activity? Thanks for your time and information.
C. Graham Thank you for your well worded communication. My family is well as am I...and thank you for your well wishes in our behalf. I do not know as to whether or not you have read Chemical Muscle Enhancement (BDR) or not but this is actually in the book. Nonetheless we can answer this without rewriting the entire text in an E-mail format and perhaps bring to light a few additional thoughts. By the way it is possible that your question and reply will appear in one of the Q & A columns I do for various magazines and possibly on one or more Internet sites. Winstrol (stanozolol) is a c17 alkylated non-aromatizing AAS utilized both orally and as an injectable preparation. Oddly enough is that the only commercially available injectable is a non-hydrophilic (does not dissolve in water) veterinarian preparation in sterile water. I say odd due to the fact that an oil preparation is notably more effective due to a prolonged active-life and the lymphatic percentage absorption factor. More bang for your buck so to speak. The oral has the distinct advantage of possessing a surprising degree of IGF-1 stimulation as it passes through the livers hepatic passages and as a result of cellular interaction in lean mass tissues. This has failed to be validated in most clinical research due to the low dosages (about 10mg/d) administered. Oddly enough reviews of blood work performed upon several notable athletes administering stanozolol in excess of 40mg/d showed that IGF-1 was elevated significantly. The injectable preparations appear to induce some increase in natural localized MGF (Mechano Growth Factor), PGF-2, IGF-1 and IGF-2 production "site specifically". In that lies the key to a more synergistic approach to utilization. One of the greatest down falls of AAS administration is the period of time in which AAS remain effective. I refer to effective at the cellular level, not actual active-life. Some old school mentality seems to embrace the ever ascending dosages and prolonged administration periods ideals. This is simply a matter of progressively trying to keep up with the body's anti-growth counter measures as they mount until at some point the protocol is ended and the AAS induced progress in lost unnecessarily. In short at that point "The boy's ain't doing nothing manly" and every other natural anabolic pathway has long since shut down as well. This is a physiological environment best for the better endowed females and certainly not for an athlete of any kind. So a progressive alternative is mandatory for continued progress. The full body circulation of liver produced IGF-1 is full body effectual. This means that the extra IGF-! from oral stanozolol administration has an effect on the entire musculature as does the AAS itself. Unfortunately within a period of about 2 weeks this effect decreases significantly due to an adaptive response in the liver that shuts down the extra growth goodies and a decrease in IGF-1 receptor site sensitivity results as well due to various other hormone actuated events (Action/Reaction Factors). Less IGF-1 production and less receptor sensitivity means less muscle growth and poor chemical synergy. Site specific administration of an injectable preparation of stanozolol has full body effects due to AAS induced androgenic and anabolic activity but only significant "localized" MGF, PGF-2, IGF-1 and IGF-2. MGF increases IGF-1 receptor sensitivity, PGF-2 increases androgen receptor count and sensitivity, and the localized IGF-1 production acts synergistically with the AAS. Oh, did I mention that the IGF-2 initiates an increase in vascular tissue growth for better nutrient supply?
Day 1-10 & 21-30 25-50mg 2xd (orally) Day 11-20 & 31-40 50-75mg 2xd (site specifically)
Since stanozolol is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) the occurrence of premature balding has been noted in individuals who are predisposed to MPB when administering this drug. For the same reason real stanozolol does not convert to estrogens and has a lesser degree of HPTA inhibition and the effects last for a shorter period post-cycle. However due to the peripheral nervous system and the presence of an abnormally high degree of androgenic activity some " shrunken nuts syndrome" can occur with prolonged use. The effect is greatest upon the testes themselves so most have realized minimal interruption in natural androgen production with intermittent HCG only administration. Stanozolol has been a very effective drug employed to increase lean tissue mass with minimum increase in water retention thus providing a lean muscular appearance. Question #1 I have taken veterinarian quality steroids in the past simply because they are cheaper in cost and easier to obtain. On occasion, I hear about underdosing and fakes. Are there any concerns with taking this type of drugs and are there certain manufacturers to stay clear from?
Question #2 My last cycle was a duration of 12 weeks. I obtained great results and plan to repeat this cycle again. My cycle (keeping in mind the drugs were veterinarian quality) consisted of Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml at 1000mg/week for a duration of 12 weeks, Methandrostenolone beginning at 25mg/day increasing to 50mg/day for a duration of the first 6 weeks, Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml at 400mg/week for a duration of 12 weeks. Other supplements I took were Creatine, CLA, Milk Thistle, Clomid, HCG. The problem I experienced was the correct timing for the Clomid and HCG. I obtained advise from several sources which were conflicting. As a result, my "boys" shrunk and took forever to return to normal size and functionality post cycle. And even though I did retain a great deal of muscle mass, I did loose some weight (which I know was probably mostly water weight). How do I take the ancillary drugs to get the best permanent results from my cycle and keep my "boys"? Also, do you have any suggestions to my cycle, i.e., dosing and timing of AAS and supplements?
Thank you M.L. - Dallas Veterinary sources have become the mainstay of many athletes AAS protocols. This is simply a matter of availability and pricing. Unfortunately with the various legitimate brands comes a supply of black market products manufactured in underground labs of questionable means. But if one considers the number of lads that make their own preparations for injection type administration from cattle implants and a few basic chemicals with few side effects you would likely assume "what does it matter?" and proceed without caution anyway. The problem with black market products is the question of who made them. I have known a few AAS chemist who produced for several different so-called companies that would never consider making manufacturing anything but a pharmaceutical grade product. Sadly I have also known a few pieces of dirt that once produced a well known product who boasted the saying "The vat ain’t done until we pee in it" and did. Still there are others who simply purchase legitimate products and cut the dosage in half with an inert (hopefully) oil and repackage it as the original. You simply just never know what you are getting for sure. Fortunately bad products get a bad name rather quickly these days thanks to the many AAS sites and discussion boards. The result is a lack of profitability for the maker and the obvious loss of buyers. The outcome is either an improved product next time around or going out of business. As to manufacturers to stay away from…they change weekly. Many athletes prefer the 12-16 week protocols simply because being on cycle is far more fun than being off. For those in contest prep-mode nearly year round this is sadly necessary do to competition and appearances requirements. I really do not feel that the longer protocols provide the same degree of progress as briefer harder hitting protocols with appropriate Action/Reaction Factor considerations. "Shrunken nuts syndrome" is an example of not properly anticipating the body’s reaction to the AAS actions. However, since the question was in regard to 12 week structures the simplest approach to "the boy’s" remaining in the game is intermittent HPTA regeneration to sustain a degree of testicular function stimulation. This allows the entire HPTA to be simply brought back up to speed rather than a complete reinitiating of function. Day 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 97, 99, 101 HCG 1500iu Day 29-35, 57-63, 92-105 Bromocriptine 2.5mg AM Day 92-105 Clomid 50mg Hopefully you are scratching your head at this point wondering why. There are several approaches to HPTA regeneration and each depends upon the active-life of each drug employed in the protocol as well as the potential for aromatization, progesterone activity, and the degree of prolactin release that is stimulated during the protocol from the stack. Contrary to what some have listed, nandrolone decanoate has an active-life of about 15-16 days and testosterone enanthate has about an 8 day active-life. Nandrolone has progestin like activity with limited aromatization to a weaker estrogen and testosterone aromatizes freely to estrogens predominantly the powerful estrogen 17b-estradiol. D-ball has an active-life of only hours but readily aromatizes to a super-girl-like estrogen. All of these have a potential to promote prolactin release which in turn inhibits the HPTA through multiple pathways thus teaming up with estrogen to shut down androgen and sperm production while promoting adipose tissue…if the levels rise too much. By employing HCG intermittently athletes have maintained some degree of testicular function. Stimulated too much for too long of a period would result in another negative feed-back loop to the demise of the lads in the sack. Bromocriptine is a prolactin inhibitor that simply decreases the amount of prolactin that the pituitary can release. Intermittent use of this drug keeps prolactin in check while stimulating sperm production and erectile function. Used too frequently or for too long of a period would result in a poor appetite and decreased receptor sensitivity. Clomid is a highly misunderstood drug in that many feel more is better. This is an estrogen and as such will promote estrogenic activity if dosages are high enough. |