Anadrol® and Sustanon; Steroid-Like Supplements
by Author L. Rea
Publication Date: October 31, 2002 Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication. Dear Mr. Rea: I just bought 40 Anadrol® 50 tablets and 10 ampules of Sustanon 250. This is my second cycle, as I did an eight week cycle equipoise and d-bol pills a year ago. I gained about 12 pounds after that cycle and lost most of the gains within two months after the cycle. Can you recommend the best way to cycle the A-50's and Sustanon? And is this a good stack together? I've also read that A-50's are really hard on the liver. I appreciate any advice. M.L. Garrot -- Wisconsin A: Wow, you can really pack the questions into one paragraph. I suppose it is the nature of our ways as muscle maniacs to get it all in one breath as a whole. AD-50 and Sustanon are both excellent mass weight and strength gain drugs. Though each is androgenic and anabolic in nature, both have high estrogenic activity potential (though through different mechanisms). This means that each can dramatically suppress the natural testosterone production regulated by the body’s HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary-testes-axis) system due to the negative feed-back loop caused by too much estrogen in a males body. Interestingly enough is the fact that the same estrogenic activity has a profound positive effect upon the amount of weight and strength gain an individual will realize during the administration of either or both of these drugs. Estrogens in any form trigger glucose up-take by some tissues. In this case the tissue of interest is muscle and the result is greater levels of glycogen and water stored inside of the muscle cell. The benefits are rather obvious but bare mentioning none the less. Increased glycogen means increased fuel in the cells to make our favorite muscle gasoline called ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate). This provides for an increase in training intensity and faster post-training recovery. Each gram of glycogen synthesized and stored brings with it about 3 grams of water. This adds to the cells structural integrity like putting a foundation under a house. With a stronger foundation comes a greater load capacity. Big weights and extra fuel will ultimately increase muscle mass and allow for bigger weights. One factor positively effects the other. Anabolics increase protein synthesis in muscle tissue and androgens aid the process while increasing training intensity. A greater weight and work-load from increased training intensity results in a greater stimulus to the trained muscles that tells it to adapt by getting stronger and bigger. However without the anabolic effect that tells the muscle fibers to grow… nothing happens. So the combination of a high androgenic drug with an anabolic substance will result in growth, but the addition of one that has estrogenic activity (by way of structure like AD-50 or aromatization like testosterones) will fuel the process at a greater rate. Sounds great but the problem is the cycle exit and the set of raisins swinging comically down stairs post-cycle. Remember the HPTA? The excess estrogen shuts down natural testosterone production from "the boys" in a time progressive manner. This means that as the cycle or protocol continues the inhibition of the HPTA grows greater. With the resulting lack of natural androgen production post-cycle the male body finds itself in an estrogen dominant environment (kind of like having a wife and two teenage daughters) that in itself destroys male attributes. Yes, this does include the newly acquired muscle mass as well. There simply is not enough natural androgen production going on to make Pee Wee Herman sport wood. If you have read this so far with an eye on the point then you already realize that the AD-50 and Sustanon-250 stack will result in a rapid weight and strength gains that will be lost post-cycle due to HPTA shut-down. AD-50 does not actually aromatize to estrogens but it does possess a progesterone-like structure. Progesterone is a female hormone with estrogenic qualities. It is rough on the HPTA and liver both in a dosage and time dependant manner. This means that it is the dosage and period of time "the boys" and liver are exposed that matters most. Sustanon-250 is a mixture of 4 testosterone esters (with different active-lifes) and as such is aromatized into estrogens such as 17b-estradiol…a more powerful estrogen. "So" ? Well progesterone is less inhibitive to the HPTA than estradiol. This means some intelligent timing of each drug with some minor HPTA regeneration will allow for greater results and improved post-cycle lean mass retention. (And the rains will be less comical) This is simply because function is restored to near normal in phases to prevent total HPTA shut-down.
Day | Day | Day | Day | 1. Sus. 250mg | 16. | 31. Sus. 250mg | 46. | 2. | 17. AD-50 100mg | 32. | 47. AD-50 100mg | 3. | 18. AD-50 100mg | 33. | 48. AD-50 100mg | 4. Sus. 250mg | 19. AD-50 100mg | 34. Sus. 250mg | 49. AD-50 100mg | 5. | 20. AD-50 100mg | 35. | 50. AD-50 100mg | 6. | 21. AD-50 100mg | 36. | 51. AD-50 100mg | 7. Sus. 250mg | 22. AD-50 150mg | 37. Sus. 250mg | 52. AD-50 150mg | 8. | 23. AD-50 150mg | 38. | 53. AD-50 150mg | 9. | 24. AD-50 150mg | 39. | 54. AD-50 150mg | 10. Sus. 250mg | 25. AD-50 150mg | 40. Sus. 250mg | 55. AD-50 150mg | 11. | 26. AD-50 150mg | 41. | 56. AD-50 150mg | 12. | 27. | 42. | 57. | 13. Sus.250mg | 28. | 43. Sus. 250mg | 58. | 14. | 29. | 44. | 59. | 15. | 30. | 45. | 60. |
- Day 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 & 55, 57, 59, 61, 63 HCG 1000iu
- Optional: Day 60-65 Clomid 100mg & 66-76 Clomid 50mg
- Divide AD-50 administrations into 2-3 equal daily dosages
So why is the example protocol created with the administration of each drug in a series instead of co-administered? Different drugs have different active-lifes or periods in which they remain active in the body and capable of inducing the intended effect. Sustanon has about a 21 day active-life. But since it is made up of 4 different testosterone esters, each with different active-lifes, the period of build-up and decline of actual testosterone in the circulatory system requires an administration schedule intended to allow for this. In short, as one begins to run out the next replaces it after the dosage peaks. AD-50 has an active-life of less than 16 hours so it is easily scheduled to act as a replacement androgen for the shorter acting testosterone esters in Sustanon. The result is a fairly stable androgen activity level and the ability to keep the HPTA functioning nearer to normal. Additionally this allows for improved post-cycle lean mass retention…if an athlete continues to train and eat properly. There has of course been better choices for this type of protocol and the specific intended application bares a reason for discussion as well. Dear L. Rea, Some supplement companies have been making claims for years that their supplements are as good as taking anabolic steroids. Are there any supplements on the market that are even close to giving the same effect as steroids? Also, I'd like to know what supplements you recommend taking while taking steroids. Thanks! G. Lambert-- Canada The companies making claims of anabolic steroid equality between their products and the real deal are not only wrong but also in violation of multiple laws. Unfortunately sensationalism is what sells products. However, If the products were that powerful they would be scheduled as drugs. Sometimes a few make it past the legal eagles such as certain prosteroids, ephedrine and T-2. As example is the so-called 1-Test esters sold as oral OTC androgens in the US. They are nearly as effective as Primobolan orals and remarkably safe in comparison to other prescription AAS orals. As a whole the supplement industry is comprised of a few innovative individuals and an endless number of sales people. Each of which has to be concerned with legalities and liability. A supplement has to be nearly benign in nature to avoid the usual class action law suits that have destroyed the industry and allowed common sense to be replaced by laws (and 3 letter organizations carrying guns and badges for your betterment). Athletes are not like most average everyday people. We tend to test the limits of any idea possible as much as we test the limits of our own bodies. For the most part if we push too far while utilizing chemistry (legal or otherwise) we simply say "…damn, guess I should have backed off a little. But did you see that lift?" while the rest of the public envies our border-line sanity and cartoon proportioned bodies yet sues the manufacture of whatever it was they misused. As a result of law suits and idiocy in general many excellent products either never made it to market or will soon be gone from the few places they are legal. Since you are in Canada (beautiful country and fun people) there is really no single supplement I would attach "powerful in the sense of AAS" to the word "available". But I will say that the use of creatine, glutamine, EFAs and quality protein powders will make a profound difference in the results a hard training athlete will realize. There are a few other intent specific supplements available I will mention in other Q & A’s as we progress, but none available in Canada fit the "as good as taking anabolic steroids" description. Several supplements have either protective or synergistic value with AAS administration. Creatine: Increases androgen receptor site counts and supplies greater ATP for improved recovery. Additionally, research suggests creatine is beneficial in cholesterol management and positively influence muscle fiber counts. Aids in post-cycle lean mass retention. Glutamine: Improves toxic ammonia clearing from the system and aids in restoring a positive nitrogen/anabolic profile to injured tissues post work-out. CLA: Aids in inhibiting fat accumulation during mass weight gain protocols. Milk Thistle: Inhibits liver toxification from c17 Alkylated AAS while aiding in hepatic clearing and cell regeneration. EFA’s: Increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol). Guggul Sterones: Decrease total cholesterol count through liver inhibition. Niacin: Aids in cholesterol control and protects hepatic detoxification function. Flaxseed Oil: Though an effective source of omega 3 & 6 EFA’s, flax seed oil contains lignans that act as estrogen site antagonists. This means that they help prevent estrogenic activities such as female pattern fat deposits and the need for male wet T-shit contests by blocking estrogens from their receptor sites. |