by Will Brink,
author of:
Muscle Building Nutrition Muscle Gaining Diet, Training Routines by Charles Poliquin & Bodybuilding Supplement Review
Diet Supplements Revealed Real World Fat Loss Diet & Weight Loss Supplement Review
This article is dedicated to the new anti ephedrine
onslaught that appears to be going on in the media.
If you want a little background check out this
link: Extract: '...already too familiar with
the link between 'supplements' and the deaths of
athletes, the sports world was hardly shocked by
yesterday's determination that the herbal stimulant
ephedrine probably contributed to the death of Baltimore
Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler, a 23- year-old who
died of heatstroke after a spring-training workout
in Florida.
"Anti Ephedrine Campaign's latest bogus study".
By Will Brink
Well gang the anti supplement powers that be, are
at it again with a new 'study' that supposedly shows
the dangers of ephedrine.
Typical of the 'don't confuse us with the facts'
media, this study is being plastered all over the
news and held up as a reason to pull ephedrine containing
products off the market.
At this point, it appears they are so desperate
to find proof that ephedrine is a health hazard,
they are willing stretch the truth to absurd levels.
What am I referring to? A new study called 'The
Relative Safety of Ephedra Compared with Other Herbal
Products' published in Annals of Internal Medicine
This study is not bad science, it's not science
at all.
What the authors did was examine reports put into
the American Association of Poison Control Centers
Toxic Event Surveillance System Database Annual
Report for 2001, and make conclusions about the
safety of ephedra based on those numbers.
For example, the authors state:
'Ephedra is widely used in dietary supplements that
are marketed to promote weight loss or increase
energy; however, the safety of this product has
been questioned because of numerous case reports
of adverse events.'
Translated: they have already decided that ephedra
is unsafe and are going to prove it no matter what
they have to do. Hence, the authors were biased
(more on that in a minute) from the start and made
it their job to confirm their biased belief.
Basically what these authors did was compare the
adverse reaction reports from American Association
of Poison Control Centers Toxic Event Surveillance
System vs reports on other herbs and shock of all
shocks, conclude that compared to other herbs such
as ginko and kava, that ephedra has more side effects.
Well Duh. They concluded that ephedra containing
products accounted for 64% of all reported adverse
effects from herbs compared with kava and Ginkgo
biloba (see letter data showing that's not even
They state:
'This risk was defined as the ratio of adverse reactions
to ephedra versus other products, divided by the
ratio of their relative use in the United States.'
Translated: a fancy way of saying that they compared
apples to oranges (ephedrine vs ginko or Kava) and
concluded ephedrine accounted for a higher rate
of reported side effects.
This is equivalent to comparing coffee (a stimulant)
to fruit juice and coming to the shocking conclusion
that coffee has more side effects than fruit juice!
Now, why didn't they compare it to say other diet
products, in particular diet drugs with similar
You would find that pharmaceutical diet drugs are
involved in considerably more adverse events than
ephedrine based products, and those events, on average,
are of a more serious nature.
(Very Important Point....)
Let's not forget the recent study published in the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, that
found an ephedrine caffeine based supplement was
superior for weight loss with less side effects
than the popular diet drug Xenical (Orlistat), one
of the most commonly prescribed diet drugs in the
United States.
Of course, in truth none of this info from this
new report from the Poison Control Centers can be
used to represent the true risk of any drug or nutrient
as it is simply people calling into claim some product
made them ill.
It does tell public health officials if some product
in particular should be looked for un expected side
effects, etc, but it's of little use in making real
decisions regarding the safety profile of any drug
or nutrient.
That's what true double blind placebo controlled
human studies are for, of which there are MANY with
What about those studies with ephedrine? Every single
study to date with more than a decade of research-has
concluded the side effects are minor, transient,
and short lived.
The authors didn't bother to mention any of the
real data that exists on ephedrine but focused on
a single study that had a high drop out rate from
the study.
Of course ephedra is not without risk and there
are many people who should not use it, such as those
with high blood pressure and other contraindications,
but as weight loss compounds go, it is exceedingly
Safer in fact than most over the counter medications
found in stores, such as aspirin and acetaminophen.
Bottom line is, considering the billions of doses
sold of ephedra containing products and the millions
of people using such products, the number of adverse
events reported is amazingly small.
The authors of this bogus study conclude:
'Ephedra use is associated with a greatly increased
risk for adverse reactions compared with other herbs,
and its use should be restricted.'
Translated: they had an agenda to show ephedra was
unsafe, and found a unscientific way of showing
it vs following the real data that exists or comparing
ephedra to drugs for the same purpose that are more
toxic than ephedrine.
But wait, it gets better.
If you recall I mentioned the authors were clearly
biased. Why? All of the authors of this so called
study have worked for various lawfirms who are involved
in anti-ephedra lawsuits!
That's right, the authors of this report are paid
by law firms and called as expert witnesses in cases
against companies (e.g., Cytodyne, MuscleTech, Next
Nutrition, TwinLabs, GNC, Phoenix Labs, Chemins
Labs, etc.) that produce and market supplements
containing ephedra!
Yes folks, that's how low the anti ephedra camp
is willing to go; to any lengths to get ephedra
banned, and the facts based on science be damned.
If you would like to read the full study can view
it on line at:
And if you would like to view the annual poison
control data to see what crazy things are reported
can see it at the Poison Control Center web site
If you want to see my opinion on the best ways to
use ephedrine based products, avoid side effects,
etc, should read my book Diet Supplements Revealed
found at:
If you want more of my opinions on supplements that
build muscle mass you can find that information
and in my latest ebook Muscle Building Nutrition
- An Analysis of the Relative Safety of Ephedra
By Doug Kalman MS, Jose Antonio, Ph.D., FACSM, and
Richard B. Kreider, PhD,
In an early Internet release, the Annals of Internal
Medicine posted an upcoming brief communication
concerning the dietary supplement ephedra (1).
This study raised media frenzy concerning the regulatory
status of ephedra.
The authors utilized the Toxic Exposure Surveillance
System (TESS) report of 2001 and compared it with
ephedra sales data provided to them by SPINS, a
market analysis firm.
In addition, the authors also utilized a magazine
report to approximate the total sales of ephedra
within the United States for the year 2000 (2).
There are several methodological and fundamental
flaws with the design and conclusions made by Bent
et al.
The TESS raw data indicates that 55.5% of all Poison
Control Center reports related to Ma Huang (ephedra)
alone or in combination with another herb (multi-botanical)
were in people under the age of 19.
Additionally, 27.9% of all of the exposures were
in children less than 6 years of age (3).
This information is vital as in 7,927 exposures;
the Poison Control Centers deemed 14% (1,178) to
be an adverse reaction.
In clinical research the guidelines set forth by
the International Committee on Harmonization (ICH)
defines an adverse reaction/event (AE) 'any untoward
medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation
subject administered a pharmaceutical product and
which does not necessarily have to have a causal
relationship with this treatment' (4).
The TESS system defines an adverse reaction (AR)
as 'an adverse event occurring with normal, prescribed,
labeled or recommended use of the product, as opposed
to overdose, misuse or abuse'.
The TESS system also captures AR's that are 'unwanted
effects due to an allergic, hypersensitive, or idiosyncratic
response to the active or inactive ingredients,
or excipients'.
Thus, the definitions and establishment of clear
causality or relationship is not clear within the
TESS system and when contrasted with normal research
guidelines for defining and AE/AR appear to be questionable.
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
policy on AR/AE's is that accumulated case reports
(AER's) cannot be used to calculate incidence or
estimates of drug risk (5).
This misguided calculation is exactly what the authors
attempted to do.
The 2001 TESS report details that the vast amount
of exposures were unintentional (85.2%).
In the ephedra analysis, 46.7% of the exposures
were of the unintentional variety (using TESS definitions
and data from table 22B).
It cannot be downplayed that the TESS report only
captured data on 12 known herbs, Drs. Bent et al
mistakenly state that ephedra accounts for 64% of
all herbal related adverse reactions, however, there
are hundred of herbals sold on the U.S. market,
not 12, thus their conclusion is overstated.
The sales data that Drs. Bent et al utilized in
an attempt to correlate the TESS data with sales
is incomplete. The SPINS database does not capture
data by zip code nor does it capture the true mass
market (i.e., Walmart, Costco, GNC Corporate stores),
thus any data generated by the SPINS agency is only
a small snapshot of what is truly happening in the
sales of ephedra or ephedra-related products.
The Nutrition Business Journal estimates that in
2000, ephedra and ephedra related products generated
$1,050,000,000 (6).
Utilizing the NBJ market analysis, the best estimate
is that 26,250,000 servings (or individual capsules/tablets)
of ephedra or ephedra related products were sold
in 2000.
The sales figures are based upon retail mass market,
mail order, practitioners, Internet sales and natural
food/health chain channels (6).
In the Bent report, it is stated that an assumption
was made that ephedra related sales were one-half
of all non- retail herb sales and this accounted
for 0.82% of herbal product sales.
The confliction in detail does not make sense. It
appears that the SPINS data is inaccurate when comparing
it to the more comprehensive NBJ data.
Thus, this section of the Bent paper appears to
be out of context and unreliable.
While we as scientists and health care providers
need to know the evidence (direct, not computed)
concerning the safety of ephedra or ephedra related
products, we must not fail to use the published
peer-reviewed clinical studies as the basis for
an understanding.
While the clinical trials are limited in subject
size as compared to Phase III drug studies, they
do give us a basis for understanding the potential
for serious adverse events and what population is
best suited for potential use of these products.
It is clear that people under the age of 19 should
not take this herb; there simply have been no studies
in that age group (on the herbal ephedrine).
The TESS data states 55.5% of all exposures were
from people 19 or younger.
The comparison of ephedra versus other herbs inherently
inaccurate as the TESS data only captured 12 total
named herbs.
Given the TESS data for ephedra reporting an adverse
reaction rate of 14% (TESS conclusion) and a mortality
rate of 0.000757% (comparison of 6 deaths versus
7,927 exposures), one would expect a better comparison
to be made using this data.
For example with relation to kava, there was one
death in 336 exposures (0.002976%), thus we can
also conclude that kava is 3.9 times as likely to
cause death as ephedra.
It should also be noted that the adverse reaction
frequency was similar for Gingko biloba (13.7% vs
14%) as ephedra and the AR for kava was much higher
Perhaps, a less negative conclusion would not serve
the purpose of the study.
The manipulative presentation of the data shared
by Bent et al viewed alongside the fact that the
authors have and still testify for plaintiff law
firms on behalf of anti-ephedra litigation, leads
to speculation that this study's intent was to establish
their published paper as evidence that ephedra is
An informed professional audience must wonder where
the truth actually lays. Whose future and benefit
does this paper serve?
Douglas S. Kalman MS, RD, FACN Miami Research Associates
6280 Sunset Drive Suite 600 Miami, FL. 33143
Disclosure: Mr. Kalman has testified in cases related
to ephedra on behalf of Cytodyne Technologies, Inc.
Jose Antonio, Ph.D., FACSM Adjunct Professor Exercise
Science & Health Promotion Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road P. O. Box 3091 Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
Richard B. Kreider, PhD, EPC, FACSM, FASEP Professor
& Chair Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory Center
for Exercise, Nutrition, and Preventive Health Department
of Health, Human Performance & Recreation Baylor
University PO Box 97313 Waco, TX 76798-7313
Disclosure: Dr. Kreider has served as an expert
in litigation for Metabolife.
1) Bent S, Tiedt TN, Odden MC, Shiplak MG. The relative
safety of ephedra compared with other herbal products.
Ann Intern Med 2003;138:000-000.
Accessed online February 5, 2003
2) Richman A, Witkowski JP. 7th Annual Herb Sales
Survey. Whole Foods Magazine. 2001:23-30.
3) Litovitz TL, Klein-Schwartz W, Rodgers GC, Cobaugh
DJ, Youniss J, Omslauer JC, May ME, Woolf AD, Benson
BE. 2001 Annual report of the American Association
of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance
System. Amer J Emerg Med 2002;20(5):391-452.
4) Cohen A, Posner J. A Guide to Clinical Drug Research.
2nd edition Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002. Pp
XI, 34,-35, 154.
5) and
Accessed February 18, 2003.
6) NBJ's Supplement Business Report 2002. Penton
Media, Inc. Pp 5-171-2, Figure 5-5, Figure 5-7.
- Was Steve Belcher’s Untimely Death Avoidable?
The link to a press released from Miami Research
Associates (also written by Doug Kalmen) that looks
at the death of this base ball player the media
is blaming in ephedrine.
About the Author - William D. Brink
Will Brink is a columnist, contributing consultant,
and writer for various health/fitness, medical,
and bodybuilding publications. His articles relating
to nutrition, supplements, weight loss, exercise
and medicine can be found in such publications as
Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International,
The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside
Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International,
Power, Oxygen, Penthouse, Women’s World and The
Townsend Letter For Doctors.
He is the author of Priming The Anabolic Environment
and Weight Loss Nutrients Revealed. He is the Consulting
Sports Nutrition Editor and a monthly columnist
for Physical magazine and an Editor at Large for
Power magazine. Will graduated from Harvard University
with a concentration in the natural sciences, and
is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and
pharmaceutical companies.
He has been co author of several studies relating
to sports nutrition and health found in peer reviewed
academic journals, as well as having commentary
published in JAMA. He runs the highly popular web
site which is strategically positioned
to fulfill the needs and interests of people with
diverse backgrounds and knowledge.
The BrinkZone site has a following with many
sports nutrition enthusiasts, athletes, fitness
professionals, scientists, medical doctors, nutritionists,
and interested lay people. William has been invited
to lecture on the benefits of weight training and
nutrition at conventions and symposiums around the
U.S. and Canada, and has appeared on numerous radio
and television programs.
William has also worked with athletes ranging from
professional bodybuilders, golfers, fitness contestants,
to police and military personnel.
See Will's ebooks online here:
Muscle Building Nutrition
A complete guide bodybuilding supplements and eating
to gain lean muscle
Diet Supplements Revealed
A review of diet supplements and guide to eating
for maximum fat loss
He can be contacted at: PO Box 812430
Wellesley MA. 02482.
Email: [email protected]